

Those facing a divorce, whether by their own choice or that of their spouse, have many questions about their options. Texas is one of a few states that follow community property rules regarding [...]


Child Custody

Custody of children is the most complex family law issue. It can be a part of a divorce suit with minor children or a separate suit between parents. If parents disagree about which [...]


Child Support

The guidelines for child support included in the Texas Family Code serve to provide some uniformity to the amount of child support ordered. There is a presumption that this amount is in the best interest [...]



Parents have a constitutional right to raise their own children. There are three situations where a child is eligible for adoption. 1) The biological parents are dead; 2) the parents voluntarily relinquished their rights to [...]


Collaborative Law

Collaborative law refers to an alternative method of solving legal disputes that avoids traditional court proceedings. Rather than filing a lawsuit, each side agrees to a series of sit-down negotiations between the parties and their attorneys, as well as [...]



Mediation is a method of resolving disputes frequently utilized in family law matters. A mediator, usually an attorney who practices family law in the same jurisdiction as your case, conducts a settlement conference with you, the opposing party, and your [...]